Why are you here?

You may have arrived at this webpage because you saw an individual riding a bicycle on Melbourne roads with a number plate design and website link attached to their bicycle.

My name is Courtenay and I love driving, but I also enjoy riding a bicycle. My passion is educating drivers holistically, especially around cyclists. And being both a driver and cyclist, I see these methods of transport from either side.

From what I have witnessed, we are not taking enough responsibility to share our roads with one another, whether we are a cyclist, driver, pedestrian, or rider, we all have a shared responsibility.

I am demonstrating here how I am taking responsibility as a cyclist, coming from being a responsible driver, with the hope that others will consider engaging with some or all of the practices listed here.

Taking Responsibility


  • Wearing a high visibility vest
  • Using a front and rear light, day and night, on steady (not flashing - click here for a study on the difference)


  • Hand signals when moving/turning left or right
  • Looking back and making eye contact with other road users behind
  • Thanking road users with a wave or thumbs up


  • Planning trips
  • Using dedicated bike lanes and shared paths where possible
  • Avoiding high-speed roads with no bike lanes as much as possible
  • Making a hook turn when turning right at a traffic light where applicable 
  • Walking bicycle on pedestrian crossings and footpaths where applicable
  • Giving way to a left-turning vehicle in front
  • Riding bicycle in the centre of roundabouts, where applicable, especially with a sharrow marking - click here for the definition
  • Obeying other rules and safe practices 

Would you like to learn more about how you can be safer on the roads as both a cyclist and a driver? 

Get in contact now with Courtenay via the contact form https://www.crudedriving.com.au/#contact

For all cyclist safety information, visit the VicRoads website link below


