On March 20th, 2022 we completed a 14+ hour live stream in support of blood cancer, raising money for the World’s Greatest Shave fundraiser with the Leukaemia Foundation!

Thank you to everyone that joined us for the event. We managed to raise just over $3700 AUD during the course of the live stream and we are now currently a few hundred dollars shy of making the $5000 goal. Donations can still be made up until the end of the financial year.

Live Head Shaving

For those that don’t know, Genevieve to the right in this image is my sister. Genevieve suffers from Leukaemia and has Down syndrome. She had a go at shaving my head and then my mate took over. See the images below and the video further down.


Community Involvement

Thanks to the below amazing communities, we were able to put on a unique show and display of video gaming and dash cam discussion. Check out what was involved below. 

Autosport Therapy

Thank you to Sticky Flames for jumping on board for an interview in regard to his community, Autosport Therapy! For this part of the live stream we had some technical issues at the start but managed to get the event going where we raced some custom routes built by the Autosport Therapy community in Forza Horizon 4. I can’t recommend this community enough with the amazing work they do with custom route building in the Forza Horizon 4 and 5!!!

Check out the video below…

Join this community on Discord:

Meet and Cruise

Thank you to OMGWTHEFBBQ for chatting with us about his community, Meet and Cruise. It was great to hear about where it all began and how it’s evolved. I personally have loved being involved in their meets and earlier on just stuffing around with OMG in Forza Horizon 4. For this part of the live stream another member, Ash took us on a cruise with photo locations and racing in Forza Horizon 5.

For this event we used a livery created by Automotive Gaming Community member, Hanz! He recreated the World’s Greatest Shave logo from scratch and created liveries for two cars to be used in this event with Meet and Cruise.

Check out the liveries and video below…

Join this community on Discord:

Genevieve in the Simulator
We got my sister, Genevieve a Leukaemia suffer in the simulator for a drive of the Ferrari LaFerrari on Nürburgring Nordschleife in Assetto Corsa.
Check out the video below…
Gaming Gurus
A huge thank you to the legend Mac himself for jumping in for an interview on what Gaming Gurus is all about, and thank you to John (cm10b) for taking the time to arrange fun custom games in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. It has been an immense amount of fun having Halo nights with this crew! We started this part of the live stream event with almost 10 of us going up against the world in Halo Infinite Big Team Battles!
Check out the video below…
Join this community on Discord:
Crash Test Dummies
Thanks to a lovely group of driving instructors from Facebook, we were able to analyse and discuss dash cam crash videos from the Dash Cam Owners Australia YouTube channel with the Twitch chat.
Check out the video below…
Barrel Rollers
Thanks to Raindancer for jumping in last minute to discuss what the Barrel Rollers community is all about, where it started and where it is now. For this we ran Dirt Rally 2.0 clubs designed by the community. It has been awesome fun over the years participating in these clubs and I have met some fast drivers and great people from this community. I advocate for them on my Twitch whenever playing Dirt Rally 2.0! ;D
Check out the video below…
Join this community on Discord:
Automotive Gaming Community
We held a Gran Turismo Sport session with our very own Discord community for those that hadn’t yet purchased the latest version of Gran Turismo (GT7).
Check out the video below…
Late Night Racing
It was with great pleasure to have this community involved, Late Night Racing! I’ve been working with this community for a number of years, participating in their races and now commentating their races. Big Roo, one of my all time favourite supporters jumped in for an interview on behalf of founder and creator Paul.
Big Roo organised a one-time charity race in Forza Motorsport 7 between two Aussie legends, the Ford XB Falcon and Holden A9X Torana, which I commentated. He even created a custom World’s Greatest Shave livery for both!  
Check out the liveries and video below…
Join this community on Facebook: 
Join this community on Discord: 
Racing with Friends
For the last event we did some racing in Gran Turismo 7 with a group of mates. A member from the Chadryce Discord community, Pat-S-96 even stepped in and created a custom World’s Greatest Shave Livery with my sister, Genevieve’s year of birth – 1990!
Check out the livery and video below…

Further Thank Yous

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone involved, especially those that came on the day in person, from my family to friends, to all those that donated money! You all know who you are and thank you emails have been sent via the World’s Greatest Shave fundraiser page to individuals that donated.

We will be back in 2023 for the World’s Greatest Shave!!!

Sincerely yours,
Courtenay Rufus
Director and Driving Educator
CRUDE Ultimate Driving Education


Join us for a 12-hour live charity stream event featuring various online communities in support of the Leukaemia Foundation!

When: Sunday, March 20th, 2022 from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm AEDT – Click here for your local time

Where: CRUDE Driving Twitch –
*The above link is no longer available

Charity organisation: Leukaemia Foundation

Charity organisation event:

Donation link:

Shaving for a Cure!

As part of supporting The Leukaemia Foundation and the World’s Greatest Shave, I will be shaving my head. Anyone can get involved by either sharing, joining, donating or even shaving yourself. See more information here: 

Blood Cancer

In April of 2020 my sister Genevieve with Down syndrome was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. It has been a rough couple of years battling through this immense change in our lives, from being told in 2020 that Genevieve’s survival was very low, to being in and out of remission multiple times, to now having a glimmer of hope for Genevieve’s longevity.

Who is Genevieve?

Genevieve has always been a go getter! Going to work precisely on time, dancing with the e.motion21 group, loving to spend any moment cooking and watching Home and Away. Check out a few videos of Genevieve’s achievements in the past below. Unfortunately, due to Genevieve’s condition and compromised immune system she has only been able to attend events online, and cannot currently pursue her time in the workforce or IRL dancing. Regardless, she is a strong and happy individual who is not giving up! 

Bringing People Together

Thanks to the amazing online communities that I am involved with, I have been able to put together a fun filled day of video gaming while promoting this charity and cause. We hope to raise $5000 AUD as part of “Team CRUDE” with the World’s Greatest Shave campaign! 

Twitch Schedule


Stream Start, Introduction and Shaving of Head
– 8:30 am to 9:00 am

Autosport Therapy Community
Game: Forza Horizon 4
Game Privacy: OPEN

We race custom routes created by the Autosport Therapy Discord community
– 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Meet & Cruise Community
Game: Forza Horizon 5
Game Privacy: OPEN

The creator of this community takes us on an epic meet up involving cruises, photos, racing and more
– 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Genevieve in the Simulator
Game: Assetto Corsa
Game Privacy: CLOSED

We get Genevieve on the simulator to have a go at driving
– 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Gaming Gurus and Southen Cross Elites (SXE)
Game: Halo Infinite and Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MCC)
Game Privacy: OPEN
We combine communities for some big team battle in Halo Infinite and fun custom games in MCC
– 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Crash Test Dummies (Facebook Group)
Dash Cam Crash Videos
Our Facebook group of driving instructors has a discussion with viewers on dash cam crash videos
– 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Barrell Rollers Community
Game: Dirt Rally 2.0
Game Privacy: OPEN
Join us for a selection of community clubs from the Barrell Rollers Discord community
– 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Automotive Gaming Community
Game: Gran Turismo Sport
Game Privacy: OPEN
Open lobby racing for members that haven’t yet purchased Gran Turismo 7
– 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Late Night Racing Community
Game: Forza Motorsport 7
Game Privacy: CLOSED
One-time charity race on Mount Panorama with the Ford XB Falcon and Holden Torana A9X
– 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

*Gran Turismo 7 GP w/Friends
Game: Gran Turismo 7
Game Privacy: CLOSED
This is a closed championship event with friends
– 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

*Live stream may go past the 9:00 pm mark, and we may continue with an open lobby in Gran Turismo 7!

Thank you to everyone that supports us!

Yours sincerely,
Courtenay Rufus
Director and Driving Educator
CRUDE Ultimate Driving Education

Thanks for reading this blog post! 🙂

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